May 27, 2021

Rollcall: Progressives push more clean energy infrastructure spending

Bills propose more than $1 trillion for U.S.-made clean energy products

A pair of progressive lawmakers is pushing to include legislation that would lock in more than $1 trillion in spending for U.S.-made clean energy products and create a new division of the Energy Department focused on low- and zero-carbon options.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Rep. Andy Levin, D-Mich., are set to unveil two bills Thursday as left-leaning Democrats in Congress are pushing the Biden administration and members of their party on Capitol Hill to maintain a broad, multitrillion-dollar infrastructure package and rebuff Republican efforts to narrow its breadth and scale.

President Joe Biden proposed a $2.25 trillion public works package in late March. The White House lowered the price of its original proposal by about $500 billion on Friday following weeks of negotiation between administration officials and Senate Republicans.


Read full article here

By:  Benjamin J. Hulac and Joseph Morton
Source: Rollcall