February 20, 2018

Politico: A decade after meltdown, Senate moves to roll back bank rules

U.S. senators are planning to mark the 10th anniversary of Wall Street's meltdown this year with a gift to the nation's banks: a bill that would unravel regulations put in place after the crisis.


On the other are progressives like Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown and their activist allies, who argue that the bill will put consumers at risk. They're working to undercut the party's centrists before the vote, with several of the moderates - as well as Brown - facing tough reelection campaigns this year.


"I'm amazed that, on the 10th anniversary of the 2008 financial crisis, some Democrats are supporting the Trump administration and Senate Republicans on a bill to roll back the financial rules we put in place," Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, said in an interview.

Read the full article on the Politico website here.

By:  Zachary Warmbrodt
Source: Politico