July 12, 2020

One Green Planet: Why Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren’s Factory Farm Bill is So Important

Senator Cory Booker is hard at work to get rid of factory farms. Joined now by Elizabeth Warren, Booker is working to promote his new bill The Farm System Reform Bill. Originally unveiled in late 2019, the bill is arguably even more crucial in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

At the center of the bill is the need to reform large industrial animal operations like factory farms. The bill focuses on four items:

  • Help farmers currently running factory farms transition to different agricultural systems with a $100 billion fund
  • Makes the Packers and Stockyards Act stronger to remove contracts and structures that take advantage of small farmers
  • Make pollution, accidents and disasters part of the agricultural sector’s problem, instead of blaming farmers and relying on them for cleanup
  • Phase out existing factory farms, with an end to all factory farms by 2040


Read the full article on the One Green Planet website here. 

By:  Eliza Erskine
Source: One Green Planet