August 22, 2018

NBC: Warren, Democrats slam Trump for letting employers off the hook, call it 'wage theft' program

Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other leading Democrats are demanding answers about a new Trump administration program that rewards employers who self-report wage and overtime violations, warning that the initiative could "seriously harm workers being cheated by their employers."

Under the pilot program, which was the focus of an NBC special report on Monday, employers who come clean about minimum wage and overtime violations can avoid additional penalties and private litigation by bilked employees.

In a letter to Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta on Tuesday, Warren, of Masschusetts, and her colleagues warned that the program, known as Payroll Audit Independent Determination (PAID), would allow employers to avoid serious consequences for wage theft.

Read the full story on the NBC News website here.

By:  Suzy Khimm
Source: NBC News