June 26, 2018

MassLive: Massachusetts lawmakers denounce Supreme Court's decision to uphold President Donald Trump's 'travel ban'

Members of Massachusetts' congressional delegation condemned the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday for upholding a Trump administration policy that limited the ability of individuals from five Muslim-majority countries to enter the United States.

Massachusetts Democrats, who have vocally opposed the White House's controversial "travel ban," slammed the high court's 5 to 4 ruling that found the president has authority to suspend the entry of foreign nationals into the country.

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, also attributed the court's 5 to 4 decision, in part, to "a seat stolen by right-wing Republicans."

"Last year, I joined hundreds of people at Logan Airport to protest (Donald Trump's) Muslim ban. We believed that the courts would ultimately overturn it - because it didn't make us any safer, and it clearly violated America's core values. We were wrong," she tweeted. "The Supreme Court - thanks to a seat stolen by right-wing Republicans - just upheld Trump's Muslim ban."

Warren added that although justices found the ban to be legal, " the American people still know it isn't right."

Read the full story on the MassLive website here.

By:  Shannon Young
Source: MassLive