April 21, 2020

MassLive: It is time to pause all debt payments and cancel student loan debt amid coronavirus outbreak, Elizabeth Warren says

As lawmakers hammer out a fourth COVID-19 relief package, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown on Tuesday proposed a host of measures, including pausing all debt payments, to provide quick relief to American consumers grappling with a pandemic that’s cost millions their jobs and made it tougher to pay bills.

While the $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act provided stimulus checks of at least $1,200 to most American adults, Warren of Massachusetts and Brown of Ohio, both Democrats, said the payments won’t mean much if Congress doesn’t “stop predatory debt collectors and banks from ripping these funds out of the hands of consumers.”

In a Medium post Tuesday, the senators said the simplest way to provide relief to Americans struggling to make ends meet during the crisis was to start “allowing consumers to put a pause on all payments."


Read the full article on the MassLive website here

By:  Benjamin Kail
Source: MassLive