March 22, 2018

HuffPost: Elizabeth Warren Tells Ben Carson To His Face: You Should Be Fired

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) tore into Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson on Thursday, ripping the former neurosurgeon for failing to do his job. 


Warren made mention of the scandal currently plaguing his office ? that it spent $31,000 of taxpayer money on a dining set for his office ? but she was quick to call out the secretary for failing to advance HUD’s mission of ending housing discrimination. Earlier this month, HuffPost reported that Carson removed anti-discrimination language from HUD’s mission statement, then he backpedaled on the decision once news of the language change went viral.

“Mr. Secretary, a lot of people are criticizing you for spending tens of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money on fancy furniture, and, don’t get me wrong, I think scamming the taxpayers is a scandal,” Warren said after a fiery line of questioning. “But the biggest scandal of your tenure is your unwillingness to do your job and enforce the laws that reduce housing discrimination and segregation across this country.”

Read the full article on the HuffPost website here

By:  Rebecca Shapiro
Source: HuffPost