August 21, 2018

Huffington Post: Elizabeth Warren’s Far-Reaching New Bill Aims To Actually Drain The Swamp

WASHINGTON ? Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) unveiled a sweeping plan on Tuesday to crack down on the lawful corruption she said has infected Washington policymaking.

In a speech at the National Press Club, Warren blamed the lack of public trust in government on the undue influence of wealthy special interests and laws too toothless to curb them.

She went on to announce legislation she’ll offer that contains six major reforms to remedy what she termed the “crisis of faith” in government.

The bill would reshape the federal government by, among other things, putting a “padlock” on the “revolving door” between government and the private sector; dramatically increasing regulation of lobbyists, and in some cases scaling back their activities significantly; tightening ethics standards for lawmakers, federal agencies and federal judges; and creating a new anti-corruption agency to enforce these regulations.

Read the full story on the Huffington Post's website here.

By:  Daniel Marans
Source: Huffington Post