August 07, 2020

CNN: Warren and other top Democrats ask USPS watchdog to investigate practices

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other top Democrats on Friday sent a letter to the United States Postal Service inspector general asking her to investigate recent operational changes within the agency.

The Democrats write that they are concerned about "modifications" to USPS "staffing and policies" recently put in place by new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. Appointed by President Donald Trump, DeJoy is a Trump fundraiser and ally.

The group, which includes Sens. Gary Peters of Michigan, Tom Carper of Delaware, Ron Wyden of Oregon, Tina Smith of Minnesota and House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York, ask the inspector general to specifically look into the rationale for the operational changes, their potential impact on vote-by-mail in the 2020 election and potential financial conflicts of interest.


Read the full article on the CNN website here.

By:  Jessica Dean, Jeremy Herb and Ellie Kaufman
Source: CNN