February 05, 2018

Dorchester Reporter: Warren demands bipartisan solution as health center crisis looms

Community health centers are edging ever closer to a "funding cliff" that would severely limit their ability to provide critical local care services, and US Sen. Elizabeth Warren this week leveled a sharp critique at congressional Republicans who she says are the using the centers' funding "as a bargaining chip."

A group of 11 neighborhood health center leaders submitted an op-ed to the Reporter this week, decrying the continued standoff in Washington. Federal funding expired for community health centers in October 2017, bringing the providers ever closer to a dire shortage of funds, they wrote.


In a visit to the Dorchester Reporter offices, Warren said the standoff over these dollars is "an indication of politics at its worst." Still, she said, "We're going to get community health centers funded."

Read the full article on the Dorchester Reporter's website here.

By:  Jennifer Smith
Source: Dorchester Reporter