July 31, 2020

Forbes: Democrats Introduce Bill To Get Police Out Of Schools

The deaths of Black people at the hands of police this year ignited an important conversation about police reform in this country. A number of proposals have been introduced to address various facets of policing at the federal, state, and local levels. This week, Democratic lawmakers in Congress added to that list with a bill to get police out of schools.

Senators Chris Murphy (CT) and Elizabeth Warren (MA), along with Representatives Ayanna Pressley (MA) and Ilhan Omar (MN), introduced the Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act that would prohibit federal money to be used to fund police in schools. The lawmakers said this would prevent money from being diverted from important student service providers, like counselors and social workers.

The legislation has the backing of the two major teachers’ unions, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA). It also has the support of a number of civil rights organizations, including the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and the Human Rights Campaign.

Read the full article on the Forbes website here

By:  Wesley Whistle
Source: Forbes