June 27, 2018

Common Dreams: 'We're Not Going Anywhere': Sanders, Warren, and Ellison Vow to Stand With Workers After SCOTUS Undermines Labor Movement

"Unions built America's middle class and unions will rebuild America's middle class."

Progressive voices in Congress vowed to stand with workers and defend labor rights on Wednesday after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against the largest public sector union in the country in a landmark case over union fees.

Sen. Eizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) released a video featuring labor leaders including American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten and Lee Saunders, president of AFSCME, and attacking the corporate interests which helped deliver a crushing blow to public sector workers.

"Unions built America's middle class and unions will rebuild America's middle class," Warren said. "Working people deserve fair pay, good benefits, predictable schedules, and a real voice in the workplace. That's why I stand with unions all the way. We're not going anywhere."

Read the full story on the Common Dreams website here.

By:  Julia Conley
Source: Common Dreams