March 12, 2020

CNBC:Elizabeth Warren calls for a ‘grassroots’ stimulus package to counter coronavirus economic impact

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Thursday called on the U.S. government to respond to the coronavirus outbreak by passing a “big stimulus package” that offers health-care guarantees and injects money at the “grassroots level.”

In an interview with CNBC’s Jim Cramer, the Massachusetts Democrat explained that her far-reaching proposal addresses everything from COVID-19 testing to student loan holders to workers and businesses. The total package would cost $750 billion, up from the $400 billion original plan she presented last week.

“We need to show that we have a government that understands the scale of this problem and understands that the approach to it is to get money ... Down into the hands of the people who will put it down at the grassroots level and help support this economy from the ground up,” she said in a “Mad Money” interview. “So that’s the basic approach.”


Read the full story on the CNBC website here

By:  Tyler Clifford
Source: CNBC