July 18, 2019

CNBC: Elizabeth Warren attacks the private equity industry with new regulation proposals

The Massachusetts senator, in tandem with colleagues on Capitol Hill, introduced what she calls the “Stop Wall Street Looting Act.” It stands no chance of enactment so long as Republicans control the White House and Senate, but it matters because Warren has risen to the top tier of 2020 Democratic contenders.  

Warren framed her proposal as an effort to shrink the amount of money wasted on 21st century financial engineering and redirect it to improve the living standards of average American families. She cited a range of “legalized looting” examples, including Sun Capital guiding discount retailer ShopKo toward bankruptcy and Alden Global Capital forcing job cuts at The Denver Post newspaper after acquiring it.

“To raise wages, help small businesses and spur economic growth, we need to shut down the Wall Street giveaways and rein in the financial industry so it stops sucking money out of the rest of the economy,” the former Harvard professor argued in a Medium post.

Read the full article on the CNBC website here.

By:  John Harwood
Source: CNBC