August 21, 2018

CBS News: Elizabeth Warren introduces sweeping ethics bill that faces tough odds on Capitol Hill

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday introduced what she describes as the most ambitious anti-corruption legislation since Watergate, dubbing the the current administration the most "nakedly corrupt" in Americans' lifetimes, but claiming the problem is much bigger than President Trump. 

"The problem is far bigger than Trump. And the way I see it this loss of faith this broad and more a crisis, a crisis of faith," the Massachusetts Democrat said in a speech at the National Press Club.

Warren's Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act — unlikely to receive the approval of Republicans in Congress — aims to nix the influence of big money in politics by, among other things, reforming the so-called "revolving door" between politics and the private sector and limiting lobbying. 

Read the full CBS News story here.

By:  Kathryn Watson, Jack Turman and Ed O'Keefe
Source: CBS News