February 19, 2021

Cape Cod Times: Reintroduced bill could bolster Cape Cod bridges evacuation routes with federal funds

WASHINGTON — The Cape’s federal legislative delegation reintroduced a bill Thursday that would dedicate $1 billion of federal funds to bolster the country’s evacuation routes — with hopes it could fetch money for the aging Bourne and Sagamore bridges. 

The Enhancing the Strength and Capacity of America’s Primary Evacuation Routes (or the more digestible ESCAPE) Act, was introduced for the third time to try and dedicate $1 billion annually to a grant program that would expand the capacity and improve the resilience of evacuation routes.

While not specifically named in the bill, officials have said the Bourne and Sagamore bridges, the only two ways vehicles can get on and off the Cape, could be prime candidates for some of the funding. 


Read the full article here.

By:  Ethan Genter
Source: Cape Cod Times