March 01, 2021

Business Insider: Democratic senator's first bill provides 5 million essential workers with a pathway to citizenship

In order to aid essential workers during COVID-19, Democrats introduced a bill on Friday to provide undocumented immigrants who have worked on the frontlines during the pandemic an expedited pathway to citizenship.

Led by Sen. Alex Padilla of California, his first bill in Congress — the Citizenship for Essential Workers Act — targeted the 5 million workers without legal status who worked in healthcare, agriculture, public transit, and other frontline industries during the pandemic.

The bill, co-sponsored by Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Rep. Joaquin Castro of Texas, and Rep. Ted Lieu of California, called for a quick path to citizenship for essential undocumented workers to prompt equitable COVID-19 recovery.


Read the full article here.

By:  Ayelet Sheffey
Source: Business Insider