February 14, 2020

Boston.com: Elizabeth Warren unveils bill in response to the Justice Department’s intervention in the Roger Stone case

“This bill would use Congress’ spending authority to protect the rule of law."

BOSTON - Sen. Elizabeth Warren isn’t just calling on Attorney General William Barr to resign over the Justice Department’s recent intervention in the Roger Stone case. The Massachusetts senator is also filing legislation Friday with two of her Democratic colleagues to block similar efforts in the future.

“Attorney General Barr’s interference in Roger Stone’s sentencing is not just unethical—it’s corrupt, plain and simple,” Warren said in a statement Friday afternoon.


“This bill would use Congress’ spending authority to protect the rule of law and prevent a corrupt Attorney General from protecting the President’s buddies when they commit crimes to benefit the President,” Warren said.

The trio behind the bill and six other Democratic senators also wrote a letter to Barr calling for his immediate resignation over the turn of events in the Stone case.

Read the full story from Boston.com here.

By:  Nik DeCosta-Klipa
Source: Boston.com