January 24, 2021

Boston.com: Elizabeth Warren said the pandemic has derailed many women’s careers, leaving behind ‘lifetime consequences’

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that as 156,000 women left the workforce, men gained 16,000 positions.

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic is likely to have “lifetime consequences” for women’s careers, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Sunday. 

In an interview with CNN, Warren detailed the ways the collapse in jobs due to a battered national economy has impacted more women in the U.S. than men. 

“The pandemic has really set women back, and make no mistake, this is not something that women are going to recover from in just the space of a few months or even a few years,” the Democrat told Abby Phillip on “Inside Politics.” “This will have lifetime consequences. And women are getting hit in every direction.”

Read the full article here.

By:  Ainslie Cromar
Source: Boston.com