April 01, 2020

Boston.com: Airlines are offering credit for canceled flights due to the coronavirus. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey want there to be full refunds.

"We believe your company has a moral responsibility to provide real refunds, not travel vouchers."

Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey want airline passengers to get more than just credit for canceled flights in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.

In a letter Tuesday to 11 major domestic airlines, the two Massachusetts Democrats and seven of their colleagues called on the companies to issue full cash refunds to customers who cancel their flights during the COVID-19 crisis, as well as Americans who have had flights canceled while stranded in countries that implemented travel restrictions in response to the pandemic.


“Families need cash to pay for essentials such as food, housing, and medical care,” they wrote. “In light of this pressing need and the unprecedented bailout — to the tune of $25 billion — that the airline industry just received from Congress, we believe your company has a moral responsibility to provide real refunds, not travel vouchers, to consumers, and to support State Department efforts to repatriate any American citizens trying to come home.” 


Read the full article on Boston.com here 

By:  Nik DeCosta-Klipa
Source: Boston.com