February 06, 2020

Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren introduces sweeping gun safety bill with licensing, universal background checks, and an assault-weapons ban

BOSTON - Senator Elizabeth Warren on Thursday introduced comprehensive and aggressive gun safety legislation, including a federal gun licensing system, universal background checks, and a ban on military-style assault weapons, to address what she called the “deadly crisis” of gun violence.
The Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act, with companion legislation to be introduced in the House by Representative by Hank Johnson of Georgia, incorporates several existing Senate bills that have gone nowhere in the Republican-controlled chamber.
“This big, bold proposal — which combines and builds upon a number of common-sense measures introduced by my colleagues in Congress — would treat the epidemic of gun violence in the United States like the public health crisis that it is, help protect our children, and make our communities safer,” Warren said. “With approximately 100 Americans killed every day from gun violence, it’s long past time for Congress to stand up to the gun lobby and confront this deadly crisis head-on.”
Read the full story on the Boston Globe website here.

By:  Syd Stone
Source: Boston Globe