September 06, 2018

Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren: If Trump officials are so worried, they should invoke the 25th Amendment

US Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts told a TV news reporter that if Trump administration officials are so worried about the country, they should invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office.  

Warren’s comments to CNN reporter Manu Raju on Thursday came after an explosive New York Times op-ed written by a senior administration official claiming that a group of staffers is trying to sabotage parts of Trump’s agenda from inside the White House.  

The senator reportedly said that instead of trying to filch documents off Trump’s desk before he sees or signs him — as claimed in Bob Woodward’s new book, “Fear” — or writing anonymous opinion pieces, those within the White House should “uphold the Constitution of the United States,” invoking a Belichickian mantra: “It’s time for them to do their job."

Read the full story on the Boston Globe's website here.

By:  Jaclyn Reiss
Source: Boston Globe