February 12, 2018

Bloomberg Law: Sen. Warren Turns Attention to White House on Tip Pool Rule

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) wants the White House regulatory review office to explain its role in the removal of economic data from the Labor Department's tip sharing proposal.

The senator, who has been leading the Capitol Hill charge against the proposal, gave the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs until Feb. 26 to detail all correspondence betwen OIRA and the Office of Management and Budget, the White House and DOL on the rule.


"You have been a proponent of more transparency and economic analysis in the rulemaking process," Warren wrote to OIRA Administrator Neomi Rao Feb. 12. "But if DOL hid a key economic analysis of this proposed rule-and if OMB officials were aware of and complicit in doing so-that would raise serious questions about the integrity of the rule itself, and about your role and the role of other OMB officials in the rulemaking."

Read the full article on the Bloomberg Law website here.

Source: Bloomberg Law