August 21, 2018

Associated Press: Sen. Elizabeth Warren pushes for an end to government by 'the wealthy and well-connected'

Sen. Elizabeth Warren called Tuesday for sweeping anti-corruption laws in Washington, including a lifetime ban on presidents, members of Congress and other officeholders from working as lobbyists.  

The proposal would impose a lifetime ban on lobbying across senior levels of all three branches of government, starting with presidents, vice presidents, members of Congress, federal judges and Cabinet secretaries. It would also ban other federal employees from lobbying their former office, department, house of Congress or agency for years.

Current lobbyists, meanwhile, would be barred from taking government jobs for extended periods of time after lobbying. She also would force federal appellate courts to livestream audio of their proceedings and establish an independent office of public integrity that would have new investigative and disciplinary powers.

Read the full Associated Press story here.

By:  Laurie Kellman and Anne Flaherty
Source: Associated Press