August 21, 2018

American Banker: ‘Padlock the revolving door’: Warren makes anti-corruption pitch

WASHINGTON — Wall Street’s toughest critic in the Senate has unveiled comprehensive legislation to limit the revolving door between corporations and the government, touting it as the “most ambitious anti-corruption legislation proposed in Congress since Watergate.”

“At a time when this country faces enormous challenges, our government actively serves the richest and most powerful and turns its back on everyone else,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said in a speech at the National Press Club Tuesday.

While the bill is likely dead on arrival in the GOP-controlled Congress, Warren's legislative push is yet another sign that she is setting her sights on a presidential run in 2020. It comes as she has continued to blast recent deregulation efforts and praised the Dodd-Frank Act.

Read the full story on American Banker's website here.

By:  Neil Haggerty
Source: American Banker