December 22, 2017

Revere Journal: Sen Elizabeth Warren Urges Congress to Restore Funding to Community Health Centers like EBNHC

In an Op-Ed that appeared in Stat News on Monday, Dec. 18, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren called House Republicans onto the carpet for halting federal funding to the nation's Community Health Centers, like East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC), while working on cutting taxes for the "wealthy."

"I love community health centers," Warren wrote. "They do wonderful work and enjoy widespread support. But I'm worried because Republican leaders in Congress have held these centers hostage by halting federal funding while they focus on passing tax cuts for the wealthy. It's past time to step up the fight for community health centers in my state of Massachusetts and across the country."

Warren argued that community health centers, like EBNHC, are a big part of what's working well in health care today - more coverage at lower cost.

"They are on the front lines of the opioid epidemic," she wrote. "They provide preventive services and chronic disease management. They are taking the stigma out of mental health treatment. And they save money by promoting disease prevention, providing care coordination, and reducing the use of hospital emergency rooms."

Read more on the Revere Journal website here.