December 21, 2017 Elizabeth Warren blasts Congress for lack of DACA fix before holidays: ‘What are you waiting for?’

"It's been one broken promise after another."

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is decrying the decision by Republican leaders in Congress to head home for the holidays while the future of so-called Dreamers hangs in the balance.

"It's been one broken promise after another," Warren said in a speech Thursday on the Senate floor. "One of those promises was to protect 800,000 Dreamers who were brought to the United States as kids. [President Donald] Trump broke this promise when he ended DACA."

As a result, the Massechusetts Democrat said it was "up to Congress," which is controlled in both chambers by Republicans, to pass the 2017 Dream Act to provide legal status for those young undocumented immigrants, who were brought to the country as children. However, the spending bill passed Thursday night in both the House and Senate included no such fix.

Warren voted no on the bill.

Read more on the website here.