December 06, 2017

Springfield Republican: Elizabeth Warren talks economic concentration, says she's 'deeply worried' about antitrust enforcement under President Donald Trump

Raising concerns about how Trump administration and Republican-backed policies may be impacting America's economy, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, spoke out Wednesday against recent corporate mergers and called for ensuring markets remain open and competitive.

Warren, during a keynote address at the Open Markets Institute in Washington D.C., urged federal officials to block mergers "that choke off competition," enforce laws against anti-competitive activity and "to get everyone in the game."

Contending that "strong, healthy markets are the key to a strong, healthy America," Warren argued that large corporations, like airlines, banks and telecom companies, are "killing off competition" -- a move which she said has led to increased prices, decreased quality and job losses.

Read more on the Springfield Republican website here.