December 02, 2017

Springfield Republican: Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey slam Senate Republicans for passing tax bill 'in the dead of night'

Massachusetts Democrats condemned Senate Republicans Saturday for approving a nearly $1.5 trillion tax overhaul bill "in the dead of night" -- a vote which they argued came before lawmakers had enough time to read through the newly revised bill.

U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, D-Massachusetts, as well as members of the state's U.S. House delegation, raised concerns about the process through which the legislation cleared the upper chamber, as well as the potential impacts it could have on the American economy.

Warren cast the Senate's early morning vote on the tax bill as an example of "corruption," contending it shows Congress "works for corporate lobbyists and campaign donors in backroom deals and 1:30 a.m. votes," not average Americans.

"Tonight the Senate GOP gave a giant tax break to the rich and left everyone else holding the bag. This is about more than economics - it's about our values," she tweeted. "The Republicans just proved they are morally bankrupt."

Read more on the Springfield Republican website here.