November 09, 2017

Healthcare IT News: Senators give CMS deadline to decide its stance on unique device identifiers

Sens. Chuck Grassley and Elizabeth Warren are giving the agency until Dec. 1 to decide whether CMS will follow OIG recommendations to ensure UDI is included on Medicare claim forms.

Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, are calling on Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma to decide by Dec. 1 whether the agency will include unique device identifiers on Medicare claim forms.

The senators are also asking whether the agency plans to follow the recommendations by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the Inspector General and MedPAC to make sure UDIs are included.

Further, they want CMS to provide a planned timeline for the completion of agency's review of the policy.

"We urge you to... act to ensure that Medicare is better able to track poorly performing medical devices," the senators wrote in a letter to Verma. "It is essential that the Medicare system support the post-market surveillance of risky medical devices, both to improve patient care and to support program integrity."

Read more on the Healthcare IT News website here.