October 10, 2017

Common Dreams: Despite GOP Dereliction, Warren Vows to Fight for Program That Insures 9 Million Kids

While Congress delays, impoverished children and pregnant women nationwide will soon start losing access to necessary healthcare

"September 30th was the deadline for a whole bunch of healthcare programs and the Republicans basically just blew through the deadlines," said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in a video about a program that provides affordable healthcare to 9 million children and 370,000 pregnant women annually.


"They said, 'Eh, we know the programs expired, at some point we'll come back. And in the meantime? Just let them go figure it out,'" Warren said, referring to challenges faced by states and community health centers that rely on funding from the U.S. government to continue operating.


In the video, Warren outlined some of the consequences of this funding delay for residents of her state and others, before concluding: "I just want everyone in Massachusetts and all around the country to know, we are still fighting for healthcare coverage. We're on your side. We're going to stay in this fight all the way."

Read the full article on the Common Dreams website here.