October 04, 2017

Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren slams Equifax CEO, calls for ‘severe financial penalties’

WASHINGTON - It takes a lot to unite Congress in outrage these days, given how divided along party lines it's become. Equifax this week managed that feat.

Firebrand consumer watchdog Elizabeth Warren was joined Wednesday by a number of Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee in roasting the company over its enormous data breach this year in which the personal information - including Social Security numbers - of as many as 145.5 million Americans was compromised.


"Equifax did a terrible job of protecting our data because they didn't have a reason to care to protect our data. The incentives in this industry are completely out of whack," Warren, the Massachusetts Democratic senator, told Equifax's former chairman and CEO, Richard F. Smith, during a hearing, his second of four congressional appearances scheduled this week.

Read more on the Boston Globe website here.