August 23, 2017

The Herald News: At UMD, Sen. Warren says Democrats must ‘stay focused’ on health care, student loan crisis

DARTMOUTH - With so much going on these days in Washington, D.C., U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren had no shortage of topics to talk about Wednesday night at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

Often walking back and forth across the UMass Dartmouth stage, Warren told an audience of several hundred people who came out for her town hall gathering about the recent fights in Congress over the Affordable Care Act, and how she is worried that the Republican leadership in the House and Senate will try to repeal the 2010 health care law popularly known as Obamcare.

"As a country, we came together and we said health care is a basic human right. We fought for it, and we won," Warren, a Democrat elected to her first term in 2012, said to rousing applause from the friendly audience.

Read more on the Herald News website here.