July 19, 2017

Martha's Vineyard Times: Sen. Warren urges town hall crowd to ‘join the fight’

High school session draws 1,300 people to talk about issues.

Health care, student loan debt, environmental issues, and civility dominated Saturday's question and answer session with U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

With the American flag and state flag as a backdrop and spotlights aimed at the stage, Sen. Warren appeared before a packed house in the Performing Arts Center at Martha's Vineyard Regional High School. By 9 am there was already a line from the school doors nearly all the way to Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road before the doors opened at 9:30 am.

There were 1,000 people inside, 150 listening in the lobby, and another 150 people who couldn't get in got a private audience with Sen. Warren before she came into the school, state Sen. Julian Cyr said in introducing Sen. Warren: "I feel so fortunate and blessed we have someone so interested in talking to people who couldn't get in the door."

Read more on the Martha's Vineyard Times website here.