March 24, 2016

The Republican: US Sen. Elizabeth Warren lauds efforts to ensure SSI beneficiaries in same-sex marriages aren't penalized

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., praised the Social Security Administration this week for adopting a streamlined waiver process to address errors in the agency's treatment of Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries in same-sex marriages.

Warren lauded the new SSA waiver process, which identifies SSI beneficiaries in same-sex marriages who were affected and presumes both a waiver has been requested for each beneficiary and individuals are without fault.

"The SSA's action goes a long way to make sure SSA doesn't penalize low-income elderly and disabled people for SSA's own mistake - its failure to recognize same-sex marriages after the Supreme Court's landmark marriage decision in 2013," she said in a statement.

Read the full Mass Live article here.