September 01, 2015

Politico: Warren, Healey push for federal student-loan cancelation

Boston-Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey and Sen. Elizabeth Warren joined forces to push the US Department of Education to cancel student loans issued by a now-defunct for-profit college in Brighton.

"It does start here in Massachusetts," Healey told reporters. "We hope what's happening here today sends a signal to the U.S. Department of Education and gets them to do what they need to do and what they can do, more importantly, right now, to make this a more fair situation for students not just here in Massachusetts but across this country."

Warren offered praise for the first-term attorney general, who is widely viewed as a rising Democratic star in the Bay State.

"This is watching what it means to fight back and that's what our attorney general does," she told reporters at the event.

Read the full article on Politico here.