July 28, 2015

Newton TAB: Grant to fund heavy-duty rescue truck for Newton Fire Department

The fire department plans to use a more than $400,000 federal grant to support the purchase of a heavy-duty rescue truck for special response situations.
The truck will contain specialized equipment for rescue responses to incidents such as elevator malfunctions, construction accidents or highway crashes.
Citing issues ranging from severe weather to terrorism, Fire Chief Bruce Proia said there was a clear need for such a vehicle to improve the department's capacity for technical rescues.
"It's a pretty significant step forward for the Newton Fire Department and for public safety," Proia said.
"Newton's firefighters are out on the front lines keeping our families safe, and we need to ensure they have the right equipment to do their jobs effectively," U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren said in a press release. "Thank you to Mayor Warren and Chief Proia for their hard work to secure this grant and for their efforts day in and day out to protect our community."

Read the full article on the Newton TAB website here.