June 29, 2015

Springfield Republican: Senator Elizabeth Warren Tells Worcester Entrepreneurs they Represent the Future of America

WORCESTER - Senator Elizabeth Warren told an audience of Worcester entrepreneurs on Monday that they are the future of the United States and more must be done to promote small business start-ups when policies are being pass down from Washington, D.C.

Warren stopped in Worcester as part of a stop in two communities to discuss the local economy.

In Worcester, Warren visited the robotics technology incubator Technocopia and its Prescott Street neighbor, the co-working space Running Start.

"There are a lot of opportunities if you are already big to get bigger," Warren said. "But, where the real innovation in this country comes from is the folks who have a good idea, but they have to start right down at the base. You're creating that here."

She added, "It's the part where your growing something that's never been grown before, and that's what makes it really exciting."

Read the full Springfield Republican article here.