June 18, 2015

Springfield Republican: 4-year battle over: Westover vets exposed to Agent Orange eligible for benefits


The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has pledged to immediately begin providing benefits to Westover veterans and others who were exposed to Agent Orange while flying on and fixing planes previously used in the Vietnam War.


Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who joined with a half-dozen fellow senators to urge the department to expedite their decision to provide benefits to the C-123 veterans, released a statement thanking the department for the decision.

"It has long been clear that thousands of reservists who served our nation on C-123s, including at Westover, were exposed to dangerous levels of Agent Orange and deserve these benefits. While it should have happened sooner, the VA made the right decision to ensure that these veterans finally get the care they need," Warren said.

Read the full Springfield Republican article here.