February 19, 2015

Springfield Republican: Elizabeth Warren in Northampton: Life-saving Homeland Security grants held hostage by Republicans

NORTHAMPTON - Republicans in Congress are holding the Department of Homeland Security hostage in an attempt to block President Obama's executive orders on immigration, Sen. Elizabeth Warren said during a meeting with local officials at Northampton Fire Department headquarters on Thursday.

The Massachusetts Democrat said she wanted to discuss the impact upon local emergency services if Homeland Security funding runs out in 10 days. Funding for the department provided by a 2014 omnibus spending bill is set to run out Feb. 27, said Warren.

"If that happens, it will not only have a direct effect on Homeland Security, but upon the direct personnel who are needed for emergency services," Warren said during her meeting with Mayor David Narkewicz, Fire Chief Brian Duggan and others.

Read the full article on the Springfield Republican's website here.