February 19, 2015

Greenfield Recorder: Sen. Warren speaks at GCC

Says nation needs to help pay for college and early education

GREENFIELD - Surrounded by Greenfield Community College students, faculty and local officials, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren asked for their support to help make college more affordable, to support early childhood education and to make education a priority and an opportunity for everyone.

The Democratic senior senator from Massachusetts spoke during a tour of the campus on her last stop during a Thursday swing through the Pioneer Valley and discussed college affordability with students, faculty and officials.
She called for an America that invests in its students and education, recalling her own time as a student when she could attend school for $50 per semester at the University of Houston.

"Today, everyone who has a federal student loan, you're paying an extra tax over and above the cost of issuing that loan. The student loan program continues to make tens of billions of dollars in profit for the federal government," Warren said.

Students with loans from 2007 to 2012 contributed to $66 billion in profit to the federal government, Warren said.

"We put an extra tax on people trying to get an education. This is wrong as a matter of economics and a matter of morality," she said. "No more dollars off the backs of our kids."

Read the full article at the Greenfield Recorder website here.