May 02, 2013

Cape Cod Times: Elizabeth Warren brings consumer cause to Cape

BREWSTER - U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., told a packed house at the Back Nine Cafe on Wednesday to fight to take government control back from big business.

"How do Fortune 500 companies pay zero in taxes while college loans go up to 6 percent?" she asked. "This game is rigged."

The consumer must "get up and fight," she said. "You've all got to be there to fight."

Warren was guest speaker at the Community Development Partnership's annual meeting.

It was her first official Cape visit since being sworn in as a U.S. senator, said Jay Coburn, executive director of the partnership.

The Harvard law professor won the seat from Republican Scott Brown in 2012.

Warren's work as a consumer advocate meshes with the goals of the Lower Cape nonprofit agency, which provides loans for local businesses and affordable housing programs.

In its 20 years, the organization has granted $2.5 million in micro loans to 140 businesses from Harwich to Provincetown, Coburn said.

Read the full story here.